Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Indian History - a quick look

Indian History (Bharatheeya Charitram)
1. For more than 5000 years, India (originally known as Bharath) is in the path of decline.
2. Mahabharata war is the major reason for decline of Indian, which happened 5160 years before (in B.C. 3147 November 29th).
3. As Vedic studies minimized by cast system, the Dharma Surya (the sun symbol of righteousness) receded in India.
4. It was the epic hero Yogeswara Sree Krishna who fought against this decline (B.C. 3228-3112).
5. The destruction of the Yadava clan drove India from decline to darkness. (B.C. 3112-500).
6. This darkness destroyed the balance of Jnana-Karma (knowledge-action) in Vedic culture.
7. The Karmi (doers) rejected the Jnana-Kanda (path of knowledge) and used liquor and meat in Yagas.
8. Sree Buddha and Mahaveera resisted this darkness with best of their abilities (B.C. 563-483).
9. The foreigner & invader Alexander attacked India (B.C. 327).
10. Chanakya retrieved the Country Concept (Rashtra Sankalpa) and protected the borders of India.
11. Buddhist & Jain groups destroyed caste-Brahmin concept (Brahmin by birth only). Yagas stopped.
12. Veda Paadashaalas (Vedic schools) & Gurukulas (traditional educational institutions) became Buddhist & Jain centres. Idol worship spread.
13. The sign symbols (mudras) were used for the Swara Sthanas (musical notations in Veda Mantras) in Yagashalas [place where Yaga (Vedic rituals) performed]. Brahmins presented these as Tantra shastra.
14. Sree Adi Shankara defeated Buddhist & Jain groups through Prasthanathryi (Upanishads-Brahma Sutra-Bhagavath Geetha). (B.C. 44)
15. Brahmins alone became sole authorities of Vedic studies utilizing caste system.
16. Modern Shankaracharya opposed Buddhist & Jain philosophies and conquered building complexes.
17. Idol worship became wide spread in Hinduism. Temples, Tantra, Pooja, various Bhakti sects came to existence.
18. Ashrams became Veda Paadashaalas (Vedic schools), caste-Brahmins became heads of ashrams.
19. Muslim invaders attacked India.
20. Black Arabs called Indians as Hindus (forest thieves).
21. British rule lead Indians to slavery through propagation of Christianity.
22. They gave the name Indian to people of Bharath. The word Indian is derived from Indies which was used to call slaves.
23. The Christian monarchy, which destroyed many ancient world civilizations, targeted India-China (Asia in general).
24. William Johns, Griffith, Max Muller, etc. who were spreading religion (Christianity), wrote many misleading books.
25. Michale stopped Gurukula system & implemented English education.
26. They gave Indians the thought that English study is the education.
27. The religious-cultural reformations in 19th century created consciousness about independence (politically).
28. The golden era, if at all to be remembered, is 5000 years before.

Bharath (India) is still the slave of foreigners.

(This is a rough translation of an article published in Arshanadam, the only Vedic-Philosophical Journal in Malayalam. All credits goes to my Guru & Acharya Narendra Bhooshan, his son Vedaprakash and all mistakes are fully mine)

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