Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Veda Mantra contemplation वेदमन्त्रमननं

Veda Mantra contemplation वेदमन्त्रमननं
Atharva Veda 19.57.1-2 अथर्ववेदं १९.५७.१-२
Kanda 19, Sookta 57, Mantra 1-2 काण्ड १९, सूक्तं ५७ मन्त्राः १-२
Rishi – Brahma; Devata – 1 Atma, 2 Savita; ऋषि – ब्रह्मा; देवत – १आत्म, २सविता
Chandas – 1 Ekapada Brahmee Anushtup, Tripada yavamadhyoshnik
छन्द: - १ एकपादब्राह्मी अनुष्टुप्, २ त्रिपाद यावमध्योष्णिक्

अयुतोहमयुतो म आत्मायुतं मे श्रोत्रमयुतो मे प्राणोयुतो मेपानोयुतो मे व्यानोयुतोहं सर्वः ॥१॥
देवस्य त्वा सवितुः प्रसवेश्विनोर्बाहुभ्यां पूष्णो हस्ताभ्यां प्रसूत आ रभे ॥२॥

ॐ Ayuthohamayuto Ma Aatmaayutam Me Chakshurayutam Me Shrotramaayuto Me Praanaayuto Me Vyanoyutam Sarva (1)
ॐ Devasya Twa Savitu Prasaveshwinorbahubhyaam Pooshano Hasthabhaaym Prasoota Aa Rabhe (2)
Mantra 1
I am potent with tens of Thousands of powers. My body and mind are enriched with Thousands of powers. My eyes are Thousands, my ears are Thousands, my body powers are in Thousands, my power of accepting external powers are in Thousands, blood flow in my nerves are in Thousands and I am completely in Thousands.
Mantra 2
You start doing things by inspiration of God, All Mighty (Ishwar) who is the urge of all your good things, with the support and urge of Pranas (which are responsible for 5 basic internal life supporting functions breathing in, breathing out, blood circulation, digestion and excretion), whose flow makes living, doing things & death possible and and nutrients which make body healthy.
In this mantra, the subject is Atma Shakti आत्मशक्ति (internal power). To understand this we have to look at things in the external world. Everyone knows that earth cannot withstand the heat of sun though it is 9.5 Crore (0.95 Million) Miles or more than 15 Crore (1.5 Million) kilometers away. We also know that the wild fire caused by sun is quenched by rain from the clouds in the sky. It is a fact that rain water is more powerful than fire. When storm (strong wind) occurs, not a tree or house can withstand it. That is the power of wind. Lightning is so powerful; we cannot even look at it. We know that when lightning strikes, everything get burned. These are some signs of display of power by the nature. Let us look at Atma Shakti (internal power) from this point of view. We have built homes and other buildings with air-conditioning, which can protect us from extreme climates, especially heat from sun. Now, we cook food with solar power even without fire. We get water wherever we want, through pipes (plumbing). There are so many things humans harnessed to suit their requirements/convenience from time immemorial. This is possible only by humans with powers of tens of Thousands. Atma Shakti (internal power) of humans is always in tens of Thousands; which never stopped in the past or stops at anytime.
Atharva Veda 7.115.3 states “There are hundreds of Lakshmi (power of wealth) are created during birth of human body. The worst ones amoung them are removed. All knowing Ishwar (God), give us virtue.”
Humans are born with natural amazing powers. Never misuse them, do only good. For that, pray to Ishwar (God). Prayer (Dhyana) places Ishwar (God) in place of worldly attachments (Vishaya). Is there any other power than that!  Life should be display of power, amazing power play. For that, think about the power of Ishwar (God), which spread in the mind like the light of lamp (enlightment). Then, we become sources of power, unsurpassed power house with tens of Thousands of horse power.
( Reference – Arshanadam आर्षनादम् The only Vedic-Philosophical Journal in Malayalam  May 2010)

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